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'Bacteria battery' boosted by space microbes found in river Wear

"The development takes microbial power technology a stage nearer its goal of providing a renewable source of energy"

Category: Energy sources


Climate change increased likelihood of Russian 2010 heatwave - study

"Although the heatwave was made three times more likely, the size of the event was within natural limits, say scientists"

Category: Climate Change


Drought may be new norm for UK, says environment secretary

"Caroline Spelman says genetically modified drought-resistant crops will be considered as a way of ensuring food security"

Category: Climate Change


Canada threatens trade war with EU over tar sands

"The row over the EU's plan to label tar sands oil as highly polluting escalates as Canada says it 'will not hesitate to defend its interests'"

Category: Energy sources


UK could become leading exporter of wave and tidal power, say MPs

"BusinessGreen: New report from Energy and Climate Change Committee calls on government to establish long term goals for marine energy industry"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 341 to 345 out of 2977